dinsdag 20 maart 2018

Day 1: My First (and second) Pokémon!

Let's get to the first day of my Nuzlocke Ru-- erm... Nuzlocke Sun!

As I've already played the first bit of the game, I already know how it goes.
You meet Pr. Kukui, try and find the Kahuna, see Lillie, discover Nebby, protect Nebby, get f'd by Nebby's suicide bombing skills, get saved by the Island Guardian Pokémon who also gives you something shiny (a sparkling stone), you learn that Lillie is Kukui's assistant, you meet the Kahuna who tells you that you must be special due to the guardian actually caring about anyone and then you proceed to not choose Popplio!

Just kidding, I think Popplio's adorable as well!

So anyway, I was pondering for a little on what to call my brand-new Rowlet.
He looks so posh, like some butler, or maybe even a prince!
"Prince"? Nah. "Marquis" has a better ring to it? Nah. "Macro" then? Yah!

And here is is!

Even his first STAB move, 'Leafage" sounds incredibly posh!
I love it!

After this you proceed to battle your rival, which in the later games has the starter weak to yours rather than strong against it, so the rival battle was a cakewalk!
Luckily, it would be sad to end my quest at the first fight..!

With that out of the way Kukui teaches you how to catch a cute little Pokémon like a Pikipek, and gives you 10 Pokéballs. With that, the first rule of "1 Pokémon per area" takes effect!

I walk in the grass...
Battle begins...
The Pokémon unveils...

Thank Arceus, that could've been a Ledyba!

Naming him was easy. I looked at the model and thought: "This guy's Chou."
No idea why. He just looks like I wanna call him Chou.

And thus

Chou was born!

I discovered that he likes to be pet on his cute little crest...


Tomorrow's going to be about the festival, can't wait!

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