zaterdag 24 maart 2018

Day 3: Trainer's School

Who's feeling like school?
I know I sure aren't!

The School Challenge

Here now, I already know quite a bit about Pokémon, or at least the basics, so this really wasn't much of an educative experience for me, but boy do I remember Pokémon Diamond being my first Pokémon game, running into the Pokémon School, and spending days furiously taking notes!
There's so much info at once for a new player! It really is a school!

In Pokémon Sun and Moon, you're supposed to battle 3 trainers in any order, the smug dude, and then (to your surprise) the teacher herself.
Grind 'till level 12, and let's get through them one-by-one...

Young Athlete Hiromi sends out...

...a Pikipek!
Which is a considerably low level compared to Chou (level 8 Pikipek vs Chou being level 12), this went pretty easy!

Before this battle, during the grinding from levels 8 to 12, Chou learned Rock Smash.
Let me repeat that: My Normal/Flying Pokémon (two types who are basically opposites of Fighting) learned a Fighting move!
This is fascinating!

Youngster Joey sends out...

...a Metapod!
He's gonna show me his winning technique: [ SPAMMING TACKLE ]!!!
little bro, what even?!

Chou and I, spamming Peck, made short work of this thing's pathetic existence, and moved on to more exiting things: Grass!

My Third Friend!

Now, both according to the map update, as well as Rotom's town map, I just entered a new area! So I get to catch the first thing I see...
This is really cool! It's a part Steel type, really the only things it's weak to my two Flying types cover quite well (Fighting and Ground, namely!)

After catching it, the deep thought process of naming it went in again...
Looking at Magnemite, I wanted to make a names with k- and z-sounds, metallic/electric sounds to say so.

"Kz... Kyz... Kyzz... Kyzzr?" No too stupid!
"Cyz... Cyzzr? Cyssl? Cyssal?" Love it! Now let's spell it so that my dyslectic friends (almost all of them) don't keep misreading the thing as "Crystal"!
"Kyssal?" No, no kissing metal orbs!
"Qyzzal?" Oh, me likey!

And so: here is Qyzzal (after leveling him a little though)

I especially like Magnet Bomb because just like the D&D spell Magic Missile, it never misses!

Now let's see what it does when I pet it!

Can I pet his magnet?

Yes I can!

Can I pet his screw?
Yes I can!

Can I pet his eyeball?

WTF I can?!

Lemme pet the other magnet to really finish it o--

WTF I can't?!

Let me try that again!

Qyzzal used Acrobatics, trainer Fonzie! is now confused.

Preschooler Mia

Likes to get up close when she fights. Dear Arceus this is one feisty preschooler ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She sends out a Bonsly, luckily I know this is a Rock type, Chou (having learned Rock Smash) makes short work of it, let's not dabble too long into it and beat the guy on the playing field!

Rising Star Joseph sends out... Alolan Grimer!
This battle was a bit more difficult, mostly since I'm not sure what typing Alolan Grimer is, but since Marco's Astonish was not Astonishingly effective, I'm guessing partly Dark or Ghost?
Anyhow, this one went down with some effort and it got the privilege of actually damaging all of my party members a bit, and I completely forgot that I had to battle the teacher afterwards so I did not bother with healing items.

Teacher Emily sends out...

...a Magnemite!
yeah I totally forgot this battle existed, so I walked in here with a damaged party!

So Marco's in the red zone, Qyzzal has nothing effective against it, and Chou is weak to Thunder Shock. This is not good!

I did figure that a level 12 Pikipek could take one hit from a level 8 Magnemite, I mean come on!
Critical Hit, it was Super effective! Oh golly, your little red robin just fainted!
I did not see that one coming. Wow.

And I mean the rest of the fight went O.K.
Qyzzal and I took down the Magnemite with a lot of Magnet Bombs and potions.
I remembered Alolan Meowth being a Dark type now, not that it matters much. She went down pretty good too. Her Bite had STAB but it was nothing too scary for Marco.

I expected to last longer without a single death in this run.
I expected to tag day 12 or so with "death".
Rest in peace, my little dead Robin...

donderdag 22 maart 2018

Day 2: The Festival

On to the festival!

In game terms, the festival is a friendly battle against your rival.
Though in Nuzlocke terms there are no such things as "friendly" battles, every fight is one to the death!
So I decided it would be a good idea to train both Marco and Chou to level 8 before continuing, as to avoid said death.

So the battle begins, I send out one of my only two Flying types and Hau sends out...

Ye I'm done for.

... Actually no, Chou made fairly short work of his Pichu, and Macro beat down his Popplio pretty quick too.
Well. That was easy.

After this the main character goes to sleep (with the sun shining brightly through the windows, what even?!)

Kukui's House

The next day, Lillie leads you to prof. Kukui's house. On the way there I found this little guy in the grass south from my home:

A level 6 Wingul! Sweet, I love Winguls!
But wait, I already caught Chou on route 1, and I didn't see the game update my area... Am I still on route 1? Why don't I get a town map first?

Well, here I kind of broke one of my own rules but only for something necessary that I could've gotten from the game, only a minute later.
CRAP! I am still on route 1!

So this little guy had to be killed off and left in the wild. Otherwise I would've gotten another Flying type, which would've been a funny coincidence though!
Especially since Flying is my favourite type!

As I arrive in Kukui's house, get a Rotom Pokédex (with that, the freaking town map finally!) and I meet the strongest Pokémon in the universe...


Next up is the Trainer's School, oh boy!

dinsdag 20 maart 2018

Day 1: My First (and second) Pokémon!

Let's get to the first day of my Nuzlocke Ru-- erm... Nuzlocke Sun!

As I've already played the first bit of the game, I already know how it goes.
You meet Pr. Kukui, try and find the Kahuna, see Lillie, discover Nebby, protect Nebby, get f'd by Nebby's suicide bombing skills, get saved by the Island Guardian Pokémon who also gives you something shiny (a sparkling stone), you learn that Lillie is Kukui's assistant, you meet the Kahuna who tells you that you must be special due to the guardian actually caring about anyone and then you proceed to not choose Popplio!

Just kidding, I think Popplio's adorable as well!

So anyway, I was pondering for a little on what to call my brand-new Rowlet.
He looks so posh, like some butler, or maybe even a prince!
"Prince"? Nah. "Marquis" has a better ring to it? Nah. "Macro" then? Yah!

And here is is!

Even his first STAB move, 'Leafage" sounds incredibly posh!
I love it!

After this you proceed to battle your rival, which in the later games has the starter weak to yours rather than strong against it, so the rival battle was a cakewalk!
Luckily, it would be sad to end my quest at the first fight..!

With that out of the way Kukui teaches you how to catch a cute little Pokémon like a Pikipek, and gives you 10 Pokéballs. With that, the first rule of "1 Pokémon per area" takes effect!

I walk in the grass...
Battle begins...
The Pokémon unveils...

Thank Arceus, that could've been a Ledyba!

Naming him was easy. I looked at the model and thought: "This guy's Chou."
No idea why. He just looks like I wanna call him Chou.

And thus

Chou was born!

I discovered that he likes to be pet on his cute little crest...


Tomorrow's going to be about the festival, can't wait!

zondag 18 maart 2018

Day 0: The Rules

Why even a Nuzlocke Sun?!

So after first playing a little bit through Pokémon Sun, I was disappointed at how low the difficulty was. Much lower than Red, Silver, Ruby, Diamond, Platinum, Black and X's difficulties to my sense.
This felt especially true due to two new mechanics that were brought into Sun and Moon; Z-Moves and Totem Pokémon.
Because the first would one-shot the latter.
Normally, the Pokémon main games already feel a tad easy for me, but that's okay because it makes that I can play the games casually!
But one-shotting the "bosses" is a bit sad, now isn't it?


I did not finish Sun before deciding on a Nuzlocke run and erasing my save data.
It was after I just beat the Grass Totem Pokémon, that was supposed to be "hard" that I gave up.
Because of this, I'll be playing most of the game "blindly" so to speak, I even won't allow myself to look anything up!
Secondly, I can already hear some people saying: "Well then why don't you stop using the Z-Moves?!"
Simple: I find it sad that I'm not allowed to use the new mechanic due to the
game's difficulty not being adjusted to it!

The rules: 

Aside from using the basic rules for Nuzlocke (catch only the first wild Pokémon in an area / fainted Pokémon may not be revived) I am also setting these optional rules for myself:
  1. Nicknaming clause I must nickname every Pokémon that I get in the game, as to make a stronger bond with it (I always do this, but I'm just stating it here for clarity)
  2. Black Out clause As soon as I have no life Pokémon left in my party, and "black out", I fail the challenge
  3. No Trade clause I am only allowed to use Pokémon that I can get by myself and using legal method in the game only. That means that I can still use Pokémon that I traded with / am gifted by NPC's in the game, but I am not allowed to use Pokémon that come from trading/transferring from other games.
  4. No Fleeing clause I am not allowed to flee from any battle, and must take down any Pokémon, uncluding wild ones, that I encounter. Repels are still allowed, but I don't I will use them.
  5. Soft Reset clause I am not allowed to shut down the game and reload my save on purpose. (I never do this, but am just stating it here to be sure)
  6. No Balls clause The first rule (one Pokémon per area) does not take effect until I am able to get Pokéballs ("no balls", *giggle*)
  7. Legendaries clause The first rule (one Pokémon per area) does not apply to static encounters that are imposed by the story, such as the legendaries
  8. I will discard reviving items as to not gain money from it. Same goes for Master Balls, the real fun is catching the legend yourself!
  9. I will be doing it completely blind from the Grass Totem on, and not allow myself to use the internet or friends to look up any info on the trainers, Pokémon or moves that I encounter. I can only learn this info using what the game tells me.
  10. I will allow myself to use Z-Moves. This is no restriction but again, I am stating this just to be sure.

With that out of the way

Let's go on an adventure!